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Work with us

Hospice Eastern Bay of Plenty (Hospice EBOP) is a not-for-profit organisation who provides local community based palliative care for patients and their family/whānau living with life limiting conditions.


Our mission is to provide excellent, compassionate palliative care for everyone throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty.


At Hospice EBOP we work as a team to ensure we provide the care needed to allow our patients to live well when their time is limited, but also do our part individually to ensure we can successfully achieve our objective.

Get to Know Us

Here at Hospice EBOP we promote a supportive, flexible and positive working environment to encourage work-life balance and opportunities for personal growth and development through education, training and mentorship.

Our team meet regularly to ensure everyone is effectively supported with their patient and work load.

Board Members

Based in Whakatāne

Hospice Shop Manager

Based in Whakatāne

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